eBook Checklist: What You Need to Succeed

Abstract image of lightbulb illustrating how to create an ebook

All content marketing assets are unique and require a different process for creation; eBooks are no different.

eBooks are content-rich assets, full of educational content that readers naturally gravitate towards, so are incredibly valuable. While the bulk of creating your eBook is planning and creation, there are a few things to keep in mind when making it successful. eBooks require a strong foundation built on research, confidence in your writing, and reminders to your readers of what they’re learning.

A fantastic way to gain new readers and a loyal following, eBooks need to be carefully crafted – something you’ll find straightforward if you use the following checklist.

Choose a Strong and Relevant Topic

When planning your eBook, make sure that you know the topic you’re writing about. Your expertise needs to be evident to the readers to gain their trust and following. If you’re confident in the subject of your eBook, your research is thorough, and the message is consistent, you will have no issue writing unique and engaging content to a wide audience.

Additionally, the topic you choose must be relevant to your industry. People want to read something captivating and something that slightly pushes the boundaries — and if your topic falls within any of those categories, your eBook will stand apart from the rest and be successful. When doing your research, look at other eBooks, and identify what material other authors have missed out on. Once you identify those areas, try to emphasize those subjects in your material — use what others missed out on to your full advantage.

Have a Powerful Title

One of the best ways to get as many readers of your eBook as possible is to have an engaging title. If you want people to gravitate towards your eBook, make sure your title is powerful and eye-catching. Have your title present immediate value to your readers and show what they’re missing if they don’t read your eBook.

To have a powerful title, your title needs to be loud among the white noise of the internet. Convey action in your titles, make them descriptive, and show what your readers will learn from your eBook. If you want to go one step further in guaranteeing the success of your eBook, do some keyword research about your topic and make sure the title is SEO-friendly. The title of your eBook will be a critical first impression — make it count.

Learn More About EbooksUse Visuals and Statistics to Your Advantage

Every eBook should have visuals and statistics liberally scattered throughout. Not only do they provide evidence of your research, once again proving your expertise on the matter, but they also break up the information. Your eBook is supposed to be rich with information, but the material should not be dense and hard to read. Visuals help combat reader fatigue and keep readers’ minds fresh and engaged.

Visuals reinforce your topic and concept. If you’re dealing with technical or complex topics, visuals will help readers understand your topic further. Further, everyone is a different type of learner, and graphics and charts are very beneficial to those who are visual learners and will help them envision the statistics and data you’ve used in your eBook.

Prove Your Expertise

What makes your content remarkable and valuable? While the answer to that may seem obvious to you, those thoughts may be lingering in the back of some of your readers’ minds. For brand new readers, they would like to know who you are. Some readers may go into your eBook with some skepticism — and rightfully so, they may not know who you are yet. Make sure that you consistently identify your expertise throughout your eBook.

Back up your information with data, and statistics, use credible sources, and constantly remind readers what they’re learning throughout your eBook. By continually providing evidence and statistics in your eBook, you will prove to new readers that you’re a reliable resource of information within your industry and gain their trust.

In Summary

Upon creating your eBook, remember that they’re a sneaky marketing tool; they’re educational first and selling second. When you approach your eBook as a well-researched asset that aims to educate your readers, they will recognize that and keep coming back for more material in the future. Adding eBooks to your content marketing plan will not only diversify your portfolio but also provide readers with long-term content that’ll boost your credibility within your industry.

If you’re interested in producing eBooks but aren’t sure where to start, or you simply do not have the time, visit our eBook webpage to learn more about working with us.

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