Lead Generation: Content Marketing for Tech, Turn Strangers into Customers

A women in front of a women's head using her hands to control visual elements of Lead Generation.

Lead Generation is one of your top priorities as a startup marketer, generating a steady flow of qualified leads. These are the stranger-turned-prospects you will eventually convert into paying customers. But attracting the attention of your target audience takes strategy and nurturing. This is where content marketing comes in.

By publishing targeted content that provides real value, you can organically draw in potential customers and capture their contact information. This allows you to build relationships over time.

Unlike straight-up advertising, content marketing aims to subtly persuade by building trust and showcasing expertise. When done right, it establishes your brand as a trusted leader that subscribers turn to again and again.

Here are proven content marketing tips for generating more leads:

Offer Downloadable Content

Create lead magnets by developing comprehensive infographics, ebooks, whitepapers, and other tools your audience will find useful. The more you can educate and add value, the better. Offer this gated content in exchange for contact information like name and email address so you can continue nurturing these subscribers.

For example, an HR software startup could offer a guide on interview best practices. A marketing company could create a template for social media calendars. A cloud storage firm could provide a checklist for protecting data.

The content should speak directly to the pain points of your target customers. Make sure you collect information on their role, industry, company size or other details so you can further personalize follow-up.

Promote Through Multiple Channels to Enhance Lead Generation

Once you create awesome gated content, promote it across every channel at your disposal. Send emails to your existing subscribers with links to download the content. Post it on your website, blog, and social media. Take out ads pointing to the gated content.

Ask partners or influencers to help spread the word to their own audiences about the free resource. The more visibility you gain, the more leads you’ll collect for future nurturing.

Curate Content, Don’t Just Create

Original, branded content is great, but you don’t have to reinvent the wheel with every piece. Curating and repurposing content from other sources can also provide value. The key is creating context and adding your own commentary.

For example, compile the best articles on business productivity from around the web. Provide links to these articles in an ebook, along with your takeaways on each piece. By aggregating already great content in one place, you provide a useful resource while still capturing lead information.

Nurture Leads with Follow-Up Content

Someone downloading your gated content doesn’t necessarily mean they’re ready to buy (yet). Where content marketing shines is in the nurturing process after they opt in. Develop drip email campaigns, content series, social media ads, and direct mail campaigns to move these subscribers down the funnel.

Send a five-part email series with more insights on the gated content topic. Promote a webinar that dives deeper into concepts they’re interested in. Drop useful tips and resources on social media. The goal is to nurture relationships with relevant, personalized content until leads convert to sales.

Focus on Quality Over Quantity for Lead Generation

According to the Content Marketing Institute, generic content is one of the prime ways businesses sabotage their marketing strategy. Don’t spam subscribers with a meaningless barrage of content just for the sake of more emails and blog posts. Generic content won’t move the needle. Focus on quality over quantity when developing lead-generation content.

Really dive into your customers’ perspective. What questions and concerns keep them up at night? How can your content uniquely help them? Package and present information in engaging ways tailored to their preferences. They’ll reward you by eagerly consuming each piece of content.

Pay Close Attention to the Data

Modern marketing software generates a huge amount of data on your campaigns’ performance. Pay attention to opens, click-through rates, time spent on pages, and other data from your lead-generation content efforts. This feedback allows you to refine and improve.

Do your email open rates lag industry averages? Try different subject lines. Do certain topics or offers generate more downloads than others? Double down on those. Data exposes what content resonates most with your leads. Learn from it.

Lead Generation Takes Time and Patience

Converting strangers into alert subscribers and nurtured leads doesn’t happen overnight. It requires diligently creating helpful content, month after month, to build authority and trust. But the effort pays off through captured contacts and the ability to continue deepening relationships over time.

For bootstrapped startups, content marketing represents one of the most accessible yet powerful ways to drive lead generation with limited resources. If your brand commitment to creating real value for customers remains the north star, this inbound strategy delivers results.

So, roll up your sleeves and start crafting that next compelling piece of content. Your future customers are waiting to hear from you!

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